Friday, October 21, 2016

Nov BLog Test Grade 11/30/16

Please respond to two students' posts as your November entry.  Label them #1 and #2 with your name beside them.  Make sure to thoroughly react to what the students shared with the class.
The responses should each be a thorough 6-8 sentences long.

Make sure to post  your comment under their post as a reply.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Blog 2 Due 10/31/16 Test grade 500 words

Let's share and learn together.

Find an article or video that interests you.  Post the video, article or link here to share with your class and comment on why you selected it.  Besides commenting on your own post, you must also  comment on two other posts on the BLOG.  *Total words for the three entries will be ~500 words! make sure to post your article or video in a separate post.

Alan Alda Split Brain Video

This is a really interesting video showing how a man functions in life with a split brain.  His left and right hemispheres of his brain do not communicate with each other because he underwent a surgery to minimize seizures.