Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Blog 2 Due 10/31/16 Test grade 500 words

Let's share and learn together.

Find an article or video that interests you.  Post the video, article or link here to share with your class and comment on why you selected it.  Besides commenting on your own post, you must also  comment on two other posts on the BLOG.  *Total words for the three entries will be ~500 words! make sure to post your article or video in a separate post.

Alan Alda Split Brain Video

This is a really interesting video showing how a man functions in life with a split brain.  His left and right hemispheres of his brain do not communicate with each other because he underwent a surgery to minimize seizures.


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  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dqTTojTija8

    This is an interesting video that inspires me about a man suing the schools in an attempt to make our country among the best in the world, because other countries such as Finland and Bangladesh has changed their schools to make it more efficient and a place where students could have a better education. This video focused on getting teachers to get higher wages. This also calls for more collaboration than competition. It says that standardized tests should be abandoned, and calls for less homework. This video inspires me to grow up, and start an online school with better resources, such as shaping each child's weaknesses to become his or her strength. It also inspires me to also assign assignments to match that child’s weakness, and will start easy, then become harder and harder, until the student will master the skill completely in an exceptional way. I would also hire instructors, and give them high salaries, and a lot more authority, so they could teach the students to the best of their ability. Online classrooms would have more tools to get the answer than in a real school. So, students would learn much faster than they would in real life. Also I got inspired that the best countries in the world don’t give out standardized tests, because the person who made standardized tests once said “These tests are too crude to be used.” So, I would give only assessments and no homework, because the best countries in the world also don’t give out homework. I also am inspired to make children early on in their lives to learn a lot about how to use new technologies, and also how to do many types of things at the age of 5-6 years old. So, I also want to teach students new extracurricular things, such as more art and music, so that we become skilled in many types of things, not in varied things. I would also conduct a survey so that me and the online instructors know exactly what we have to do to help the child learn in a positive way, and so they could learn as well as the children in the most educated country on earth. So, these are the reasons of how the video inspires me. It stops standardized tests, stops homework, and calls for teachers to have more space to move around, and the salaries they should have. So, these are the reasons why this video inspires me to grow up and change the way schools work to make it a more efficient and better working space, and a bright future for other students.

    1. #1
      Before I watched this video, I didn't even realize that our school systems haven't changed for so long. I think that Naman had a good idea to share this video because it really uncovers the school system. All students are different. I can relate to that considering that when I grow up I want to become a game developer. But we are in school for 7 hours learning math, english, science, social studies. These subjects are crammed into our brain whether we like it or not. I think it is surprising that one, Finland has no homework, shorter school hours, and collaborate. And 2, that America isn't doing the same. Kids have to learn how do things, not how to think of a creative way to do it. This video really opened up my eyes and these changes would make the future of this world better.

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    4. Pruthvi Golvepalli #1

      When I saw your video Naman, I realized it had some amazing points and quotes. First of all, was when he made the quote, " This is a world in which I believe, a world where fish are no longer forced to climb trees." This quote is deeper than you think. It means that you shouldn't try to force someone to be amazing at something if they aren't naturally good at it. For example, you shouldn't force someone in a wheelchair to run like Usain Bolt. Another really good quote 'Prince Ea' made was, "While students are 20% of our population, they are 100% of our future." This simple line of text marvels me, it is completely true but I never thought of it this way. One of the good points was when he showed how in 150 years phones and cars changed drastically, but the classrooms from 150 years ago are almost the same today. That left me in shock. I truly believe that someone should 'update' classrooms like we would a phone. I believe that this video was amazing and it made me look again at the school system. Like how teachers are underpaid and how students have to learn the same thing even though those students might not want to be a writer or a mathematician or a scientist. This video and your blog are truly amazing.

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    6. #2
      Prince EA makes total sense. Yes, I do like the sound of no homework and shorter school days, but if other countries can allow this, so can we. Prince EA’s evidence shows that we are capable of customizing phones and cars, but school has always stayed the same. He also says that the school system has originally been made to train people to work in factories. Factories are supposed to be nice and orderly, so that’s how school is. The same old schedule every day, for the whole year. Maybe that’s why kids grow up not liking school. Teachers telling them what to do for 8 hours, with no fun involved. Maybe if we change the school system, more kids will like school and be more enthusiastic to come. Earlier in the year, my reading writing teacher did this little acting thing where she was a doctor and we were patients. When the patients came in, she prescribed cold medicine for all, but that would be tragic, like what Prince EA said. The problem is, that’s how teachers teach. Maybe someday, things will change and school will be a better place for children and teachers.

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  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AmFMJC45f1Q

    I chose this video to share with you because to me it is very interesting. When you start off with a paper that is only 0.001 cm thick which is extremely thin. That would mean that one hundred of these papers stacked would be a millimeter and 50 papers stacked would be the size of a grain of salt. You would think that folding a paper of this size would barely get it any thicker. Even though we know it is not possible to fold a paper in half more than seven times, we would think that the paper would barely get thicker when you fold it twenty-five times. I though that the size of the thickness would be a maximum of one inch. Then you slowly see that folding the paper in half 10 times would get you to 1.024 centimeters, which doesn’t seem like a lot but when you think of it a one thousand twenty-four times thicker it suddenly seems like a huge difference. Then you go to 25 folds in half and suddenly the paper is almost as tall as the Empire State Building. What! That is more than one-eight of the way from Iselin Middle School to Woodbridge Center Mall. That would would take you around 8 minutes to brisk walk without taking a break. So we came from super tiny to pretty large in only 25 folds. Then after only five more folds you will get 6.67 miles which will take around two hours and twenty minutes to walk at a steady, brisk pace. Then you go to 45 folds which gets you to the moon! This is so far that you can circle Earth more than three times in this distance. Then 46 gets you to the moon and back to Earth. This sentence explains better how this actually works. Like a lot of things in math doubling will soon get you very far from a very small number. Since it is exponents of two, each time you move to the next exponent the height added will get higher and soon you’ll be left with a huge distance. This video makes me see how exponents of two, work and how they are useful for many things. I find it hard to perceive how a paper, an item we see every day, can quickly be made into such a large thing. This video also gets me thinking, if we could fold a paper these many times, how small would the paper be when it is as long as the distance from us to the moon. The thought of folding a paper that long also seems cool to me. I hope you liked my video.

  7. http://www.tweentribune.com/article/tween56/how-much-water-you-waste-when-you-throw-away-food/

    The amount of water wasted when we waste food is something I have never considered. It is such an important topic yet never really focused on. This article was my selection as it was an idea that intrigued me. Since thousands of years, humans have been getting rid of food either because it has spoiled or it is of no use anymore. Even after spending thousands to research on food waste, few of us have realized the awful cons of wasting food. The article “This is How Much Water You Waste When You Throw Away Food”, connects to mostly all of the population of this planet. At the IMS cafeteria, almost everybody throws out some type of waste that is edible. If you study that closely you would probably have enough water to fill at least a tiny pond. This topic interested me because I have only thought wasting food as hurting those who are hungry. Never had the thought occurred to me that I am washing gallons of fresh water down the drain each time I forget to eat an apple, it gets moldy, and it has to be dumped in the garbage. It is certainly fascinating that even though I knew that all plants and vegetables need water to grow, I never made the connection of wasting water when wasting food. I was mesmerized when studying the chart at the bottom of the page. Seldom is a subject such as this discussed online or on the news. A topic like this has been the reason I have selected this article.
    -Deexa Kachhia

  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pvAsqPbz9Ro

    I actually had a bit of a hard time finding a video. At first, I searched randomly for an interesting video. That didn’t work out. But after a fun session of coding, I realized that I should look for a video that was about something that I enjoyed. That is how you are able to see this amazing video before you.
    I chose this video to share because I love coding. Right now, I am in two coding clubs, one at the Woodbridge Main Library, and one at IMS; and I’m really enjoying them. This video was about encouraging others to try and learn to code. It showed how almost everything we do involves technology, and how important computer programming can be. The video featured all different types of people. For example: the person who created Facebook, the person who created Twitter, the guy who created code.com, the person who created the Black Eyed Peas, an All-Star NBA player, and many more. What they were trying to point out, though, is that anyone can learn how to code. That, I quote, “You don’t have to be a genius to code. Do you have to be a genius to read? Do you have to be a genius to do math?”
    Since I love to code, I have been also thinking of a career in computer science. That’s why I’m in coding clubs. I also try to get involved in computer-related activities. My video help motivate the option of what I want to do, work with computers. It helped inspire me even more to want to be some sort of computer scientist. I want to be able to help create video games. To be able to create things using code. It just seems so amazing that you can create many things with code.
    I guess that I can now say that coding is one of my hobbies. Back in 5th grade, we would use Code.com to do the Hour of Code session. The Hour of Code is where you use these blocks that represent code, and use a series of them to solve problems. There are many different versions of Hour of Code. For example: Minecraft Hour of Code, Star Wars Hour of code, Frozen Hour of Code, Classic Maze, Artist, and much more! There are even courses that go beyond an Hour. It’s up to you which course you want to do.
    Another website I use is called Google CS First. This site is usually used in coding clubs, but now I sometimes do it on my own. During my Woodbridge coding club, we use Google CS First under the topic of Social Media. CS First consists of a series of videos that tell you what you’re supposed to do. It also uses Scratch, another coding website.
    There is this other website I use at coding, and I use this at IMS. It’s called Khan Academy. We get to learn how to code different programs and do following challenges. It’s pretty fun and also challenging at the same time. That’s why I love coding. Having fun and being challenged at the same time.

    1. #2
      Coding is something that will rule over the world one day! It gets us thinking, and helps our minds be creative. There are actually many different languages that you can program in. Code.org use the block type, and the blocks have Javascript in them. Computer programming is very helpful for every one, and one day, all the jobs in the world will have to do something with a computer! So,in a decade or so, everyone who needs to apply for a job would need to learn how to code. Like music, painting, or sculpting, coding is the art of computers. I think that computer programming is very important for us to know. Programming is the key to think more.

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  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mfk_L4Nx2ZI

    The video I picked to share with the class is an educational video about math. This video is about a specific topic, factorials. Factorials are a subject in math that is showed by putting an exclamation mark, !, after a number. For example, 5 factorial would be showed as 5!. 5! means 5 times 4 times 3 times 2 times 1. If you would want to solve a factorial you would multiply all the whole numbers equal to and less than the number you picked. This video taught me about, you guessed it, factorials. I learned how to solve them and I also asked my 5th-grade teacher if she knew this and she didn’t understand. The reason I picked this video is because it is about math and my favorite part of math. I learned a lot about this one particular video that I didn’t know previously. I learned that if you were to do 0 factorial you would get 1 as your answer. I also learned that another way to figure out a factorial is, you could do the following number factorial divided by the following number. So, x!=(x+1)!/(x+1). This topic intrigues me because it is something fun and also challenging to do. My friend and I used to challenge each other during recess, we raced to see who could do 10 factorial first. And then we had to find 11, then 12, and so on. You can use factorials for lots of things. You can use it to find the number of combinations of a number of objects. Let's say that there are 5 people in a line, how many different orders can they stand in. To figure that out easier you would do 5! Which is 120. Factorials are my favorite part of math and also are an interesting topic to learn about. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed the video I picked.

    1. Pruthvi, I think your video is amazing and interesting, because we are forced in school to learn fractions and decimals, nothing that we would actually like to do. In this video, I found something that could actually light me up to think about in this video. In fact, this should be practiced, not our homework from Mrs. Campbell, that deals with decimals! If this were our homework from Mrs. Campbell, or any other teacher, then I might actually enjoy going home after school!

  11. https://goo.gl/9T2r7p

    The video I picked to show the class is a video about microwaves. I know sounds boring but hear me out. Over the last couple decades technology has evolved from clunky pieces of junk into high speed devices. However, one of the only devices that has barely been changed is the microwave. And that is what this video talks about. A man named Mark Rober has come up with an idea that will change microwaves. His idea is that on the inside top of the microwave, there will be an infrared camera looking down at the food that is being cooked. The glass part of the microwave will be an screen that displays what the camera is seeing. This will solve the problem of having to constantly look to see if your food is properly cooked. It can even send video to your smartphone that displays the food and lets you add 30 seconds to the cook time. In my opinion it's about time someone upgraded the microwave and I think this a great idea. Are you already taking out your credit card ready to buy it? Well problem is that number 1, you probably don't have credit cards yet and number 2, this product is still way before the manufacturing process. So if you want this product on shelves so you can buy it, you can sign the petition. If this invention becomes a reality, it will change everyone's kitchens.


    1. Pruthvi Golvepalli #2

      Mahir when I read your blog I laughed and immediately decided to reply to yours. I especially loved the start of your blog, "
      The video I picked to show the class is a video about microwaves." I was like what did you do? I had a puzzled look on my face and when I watched the video I completely related to what he said. I 100% agree with Mark Rober, the world truly does need an infra-red microwave. I can't live without it now that I heard about it. I had countless times when I kept some leftover pizza in the microwave and when I heard the "DING" I had to get up from my book and check. Guess what happened, it was still cold. But if I had an infra-red sensor microwave thing I wouldn't have to get up from my amazing book and check to see if it's hot enough, I could just wait until it's all white. Your video was absolutely awesome. P.S - I signed the petition thing.

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    3. Mahir, I always try to learn more about how to better technology. After I heard about the microwave, I found out that the statement was right. So, I think that whenever I heat up my pizza, I always shiver once I taste it. So, if I had a microwave, I could just glance at my phone upstairs to seen if it was white. People would get better lives if they had this technology. However, there is a catch. If it were a liquid that I was heating, then it probably would not work. So, it could be better. I signed the petition, and hoped that microwaves would update more than the rate of classrooms over the centuries.

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    5. Harsh Borkhetaria #1 Coment

      LOL! I laughed so badly after I saw this video but it is true about microwaves, in this generation, they are pretty bad. I agree with Mark Rober though; the new concept of his microwave will be very useful. I say that because the microwaves today, you never know when your entree is cooked perfectly because some foods will heat faster than others and it depends how warm you want the entry. Also, the part where your microwave shows the heat signature is extremely useful. For example, take cheese on a pizza. The cheese will heat faster than a frozen entrée and because of that you won’t know when your pizza will heat up because compared to other foods, it may heat up faster. Also, the temperature. For example, if you put a room temperature pizza slice and a frozen pizza slice and you know how much time it takes to heat up a pizza when it’s at room temperature, the frozen pizza slice won’t heat up properly because it was colder from the start. The part about where you can see it on your phone would be very useful because if your heating something that will take a while, you can concentrate on what you are doing at the moment rather than heating your entrée over and over again. I liked this concept and hope that it will come in play in the next few years.

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    7. #1
      When I read that you were going to write about microwaves I didn't think it would be very interesting but as I read on I became absorbed in what you had to say. The video was very interesting. I love the idea because whenever I put something in the microwave I have to stand there and wait. So it will be so much easier if it showed you when it will be ready. When I was watching I didn’t know how he could possibly make the invention better, but then he told us how it will show up on your phone how warm it is. I usually don't think about microwaves very much but this is something that everyone should watch and know about. My opinion on this great invention is that every person should have one. This will also save food because some people don’t want to stand and wait to see if it’s warm or not so they wait for the ding. As soon as they come it will be burnt and needed to be thrown out. I hope that this amazing invention will be found all over the world in a few years.

    8. Jasmin Yee

      When I was watching the video, I was so fascinated. Because now there is a simpler way to know when your food is ready instead of keep on checking your food to see if it is warm or hot enough. These inventors might make these new and interesting products to help people be a little bit less stressful. Also, because nowadays, people are making different things to help people in many various ways. The product that was being shown in the video was very interesting to me since I never knew there was something to help check if your food is warm or not. The device when you get to watch videos on your microwave was a very brilliant idea. The app or device that lets you see if your food is hot or not was very unique, also when you could add thirty seconds to your microwave so it could fully heat up. I feel like Mark Rober could of helped people be less stressful. That invention was really interesting and helpful.

  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AnU7O9ZZ_Ks

    The video I picked was about technology in the future around 2050. The video was about a family, a businessman, a son and a wife. The man worked in the city and the son and wife lived in the countryside. It showed that the son interacted with his dad in the car, using technology that we never even imagined. Also, towards the end of the video, the man and wife were getting tired so the car sensed it and it suggested auto-drive mode. If you got to see the home, everything had a password, even the car and the wife placed her hand on them as a fingerprint. The son wasn’t able to open the car because it didn’t recognize his face because the password was referred to his parents. The reason I chose this video was because when I talked about advanced technology in my ideal classroom, I didn’t just mean Chromebooks and laptops, but also this type of technology. Another reason I chose this video was because we can get an idea of what we, humans, are capable of, and what we are able to create. The safety demonstrated in this video should inspire us. When the man was in the jungle, he was able to cure a lizard who was not doing well. His car happened to have the materials he needed to cure this lizard, and that shows what kind of technology awaits us. Another very interesting scene that happened in this video was when the man was going to his car, it gave him an option for office mode or driving mode. This video was very interesting to me because I love technology and how it helps us. Even though there are downsides and some people us it for not so good causes, there are more pros then cons. I hope you liked my video and got some inspiration from it. Thank You!

    1. This is my second reply. This video really inspired me. I loved the futuristic video. It looked very scientific and cool. For the car I thought there were many bad and good things. One bad thing is that it did not look like the car was from 2015, it looked like it was from 2070. For example the plane that came from the top of the car. When it came it got replaced like nothing even went out you couldn't even see something came out. Also it is very overpowered. It even had a built in shield. If this was true the rich would be very powerful. One of the good qualities was security. When I was first watching the video I thought anyone could sneak into your car but later the mother showed that there was a fingerprint system. After all everyone has a different fingerprint. I think this could also still get you in trouble. I think there are a lot of bad qualities in the future.This video inspired me because it showed me how technology will advance in the future.

    2. #1 Raghava Kalidindi

      This video surprised me. I knew that by 2050 there will be a very advanced technology in this world, but not this advanced. I only see these kind of things in movies. For example, when a bunch of rocks fell on the car, an invisible dome protected it. That sort of stuff only happens in science fiction. It taught me that anything is possible as long as we believe. I also thought that a lot of trees will be cut down and the sky will be polluted in the future. I understood I was wrong in the beginning of the video when the sign said “save water” or something like that. When the businessman completely healed that lizard in a few seconds, I realized that technology might not be such a bad thing after all. Even when the city is made of metal everywhere you look, the countryside is filled with wildlife. It opened my eyes to a brand new world. It is really amazing what one man can do. Some of the technology however, could use some work. When the man felt sleepy, he switched the car to auto-drive and fell asleep. I think it would be better if the car has a built in bed. Besides that, I believe it is a truly fascinating video.

    3. #2
      This video is a cool concept of what could happen. Like how you can send a robot to do your grocery shopping with a click of a button. However a lot of these things seem flawed and unrealistic to me. Like the hud the kid was playing games on, and the self parking car. It could be implemented but I don't think it would be easy. But they are cool ideas. It's possible that this technology could be invented, but probably way after 2050.

    4. #1 comment from Neha.
      This video was very inspiring to watch. It makes me think of all the possible achievements scientists and ordinary people can accomplish. This video was so uplifting on the fact that people can create a safer place while transporting each other. It is hard to imagine a world with self-driving cars that protect us from harm. Then again it was hard to believe that the lightbulb was possible to make when first introduced to the world. When I first saw this video, I was in awestruck about how the car was protecting the boy and mom from an avalanche. My mind was racing with the power this car has from self-driving to protecting and letting you sleep while you are on your way to your destination. On top of all of that, it can get you over water by detecting the closest rocks. That is unbelievable. I showed this video to my brother and he too was amazed that a single car can provide such hospitality to an injured reptile. I thought this video was awesome and hope this is our future!

    5. #1
      I think this video is very interesting because it shows the EVERYDAY life of a family. This isn’t just one person’s/family’s life because there are people all around them with the same type of technology. I think that’s cool because if this really does happen in 2050, in 34 years, the world will literally be a whole another world. Harsh said that the safety in this video inspired him. It also inspired me because huge rocks are about to crush that car and an invisible force field protects it, and the mom and the child are watching Bambi inside the car without a worry about the avalanche. It’s amazing that the woman controls her home from the car. It will definitely be a boon to the working women and men who have hard time managing home and office. It’s marvelous that the car has everything to give treatment and cures the lizard in seconds. How cool it would be - we get full recovery in no time without going to the hospital. Even though the video focuses only on the car, it helps us visualize the advances in technology in other fields as well. A space scientist said in an interview that by 2050 we will have colonies and habitats on the surface of Mars. Despite the threat of global warming, we can look forward to some wonderful things, like 3D printers creating organs for transplant patients.Probably every house will have robot doing everything from cooking dinner to managing money in the future.

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  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ysa5OBhXz-Q

    This is the video that I like. Finding this video was pretty hard, but I finally found it. I thought that this video was really interesting and so will you after you see it. During this video, you will learn about how wolves changed the wildlife and rivers in the Yellow Stone National Park and gave life to many others. Wolves change the wildlife and rivers predominantly because they are at the top of the food chain in that area. First off, when the wolves arrived at this park, they started killing the deer and feeding on them. Because of that, the deer started changing their behaviors and started avoiding parts of the park. Since the deer started avoiding parts of the park, the trees quintupled in size in 6 years. I thought that that was really cool. Those trees would be really tall. After when the trees grew, more animals started coming such as aspens, willow, and birds because that area turned into a forest. Also the population of beavers increased too since they like chewing on trees. The beavers built dams, and that turned into habitats for muskrats, fish, and rats. The wolves also killed coyotes, and as a result more bunnies, mice, hawks, and eagles (etc.) arrived. Now here comes the part that I thought was really interesting when the wolves changed the rivers. There was no erosion, and the channels narrowed because of the wolves. That is because the wolves created forests which evened out the rivers, banks, and water ways. That part really amazed me and I think to you too. This video basically teaches us that how everything in nature is connected with each other and we should take care of our environment. If you watch this video, I hope you like it. Thank you.

    1. This is my 1st reply. As henna said in her summary this video did interest me. Fist of all I really like animals and how they interact and change their habitat to help all the other species. Another reason this interested me was because of how much new information I learned with this. Before this I didn't even care about Yellow Stone National Park. This video inspired me to learn about animals and their environment. I think this was one of the best and most interesting video I have seen.

    2. Harsh Borkhetaria Comment #2

      Wow! After viewing this video about Yellowstone National Park, I realized how much the habitat has changed over the years and one big cause was the were the wolves. As you saw in the video, the wolves reduced the deer population which led to other changes like the increase in the other animal populations. This video really inspired me about how one cause, can lead to many effects and not just one main cause. Personally, I admire animals and things associated with them that are good. The way that the wolves interacted with the habitat and how it helped the environment was a real amazement to me. Also, after the wolves reduced the number of deer, the amount of effects and how those effects led to even more causes and effects was breath taking because they were all good causes. The wolves changed a lot in Yellowstone National Park and itself, Yellowstone National Park would be a breath-taking sight from what I saw from this video and this park has changed a lot in the past few years from the evidence in this video. As it said in the video, the wolves did not just transform the ecosystem of Yellowstone National Park, this huge chunk of land, but also its physical geography. I hope Yellowstone National Park advances more in the future.

    3. #1 Rida Kadri
      This particular video shows the distinct and really cool life cycle in the Yellowstone National Park. It was amazing to see how one animal, the wolf, can change the living of other creatures. The wolves managed to change the behavior of the deer living in the park, making them avoid certain areas. That caused the trees to grow larger in size and then the birds started arriving. It is spectacular how solely the wolves changed all of this, and they even changed the rivers. It’s so crazy to see the wolves being the reason to change the rivers due to the larger trees which they helped create. This video helped me realize and understand that wolves actually have a huge impact on their surroundings and are very crucial to their environment.

  15. By Neha Bhaskaran
    I chose to post this video because I thought it was inspiring. This video opened my eyes to the possibilities ahead in my future. It not only pushes us to do our best but makes us wonder what else we are good at. I agree with the guy who proved his case, that school is not only about strict rules and learning, but should also have some fun and creativity. People say that school is everything but this video proves that art and dance mean just as much. I am inspired to encourage others to try hard in school and not to make them think they are dumb. Kids put themselves down because they think they can't be as good as others. The truth is, they don't have to be as good. Every kid is good at something and I believe they just have to find it.
    This video shows someone standing up for the kids who don't have a say in what they want to learn. I'm not saying that school is not important, but once in a while we need to express our creativity. Sure schools today have advanced on technology but have they changed the way we are taught? Some school like it said in the video are more progressed in learning than others . They don't focus on homework but the kids want to learn. Teachers shouldn't tell you that you are not good at something. We should be able to choose our own future. I agree with this video and this is why I chose it to post it. I think everyone should watch this and think to themselves," What do I love?" I hope this inspires other kids the same way it did to me. This should be
    " A world where fish are no longer forced to climb trees"


    1. By: Jiselle D’souza IMS grade 6 #1 commenting on Neha’s Video
      The video “I SUED THE SCHOOL SYSTEM!” is an inspiration to me.The video is about a man in a courtroom trying to convince the judge that the schools we learn in are taking away our ability to think creatively and to enrich our talents. He repeatedly brings up the topic that education is not the only thing that matters and we should not encourage kids to be the same.
      Many children are not very smart but are great at many other things like art, music, and sports but they are forced to dedicate almost their entire day studying. After watching this video I too have started thinking that the school system might be broken and should be changed to let kids grow to their full potential. I agree with this video almost fully and I hope the schools can do something to help encourage our other talents more.

    2. Naman did the same video as you. Just saying

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. http://www.cnn.com/videos/world/2016/10/23/bermuda-triangle-clouds-weather-science-channel-jnd-orig-vstan.cnn

    By: Gaia Saravan
    Ever since I was a little girl, I was always mystified by the Bermuda Triangle. The disappearances of the ships and planes, Amelia Earhart… Here is the origin of my curiosity.

    SETTING: One afternoon in my room with my mom, in 2009 when I was 4 years old.
    Me as a 4 year old: Mommy, can we read this book? *History of flight*
    Mom: Sure.
    Me: *reads from the book* “ There are many great pilots in history, one was Amelia Earhart, who was legendary, but on her flight, she went missing. Many scientists blame it on the Bermuda Triangle”… Mommy, what is the Bermuda Triangle?
    Mom: We will talk about that another day, hon.
    I didn’t really think about that for a long time after that, but deep inside my brain, the two words “Bermuda Triangle” were sitting there, waiting to be uncovered once again.

    SETTING: Fast forward 2 years, 2011, 6 years old, in classroom reading
    Me:*in my head* “In the Bermuda Triangle… wait a second, I’ve heard that name somewhere!’’
    (AT HOME)Me: “ Mommy, what is the Bermuda Triangle?”
    Mom: Well,...
    My mom told me what it was and then I knew.
    Over the last decades, people have been trying to find out why there have been disappearances in the Bermuda Triangle, and this video shows a theory of what the scientists think. They say there are “air bombs’’ that have the ability to bring down planes and ships, but if meteorologists say these ‘’air bombs’’ are all over the world, then why is it happening only there?
    When I came across this video, a lot of thoughts came to my mind. How were they able to bring anything there to study the mystery? It could have disappeared.
    I have been to Mexico and Florida, and according to the flight map, I have been through the triangle, because the Bermuda triangle spans from Miami, Bermuda, and Puerto Rico. Woah.
    I’ve always been wondering about the different causes of the disappearances:
    1)It could be a coincidence that the planes or ships had an accident in that certain spot because clouds could block their views.
    2)The waves are really strong, so the scientists can’t find sunken ships or dead planes under the ocean.
    Did you know that even Christopher Columbus noticed strange occurrences in the Sargasso Sea! (The western part of the Sargasso sea is the Bermuda Triangle.) He noticed a strange light in the sky, and if even a guy in the 1400s noticed something, then scientists should have figured out something by now! In the 1970s, a man was trapped in a weird cloud in the Bermuda Triangle, and then the cloud started closing, but he made it out before it closed entirely. Maybe he could tell scientists what happened and it could help them solve the mystery. Scientists explained lot of mysteries, but why not the Bermuda Triangle, I don’t know. It always puzzles me. This is why I chose this video, thank you for reading.

    1. #2 Rida Kadri
      Wow! I was always interested in the great mystery of the Bermuda Triangle as well, and to be able to have some sort of solution is greatly satisfying. This mystery has always been in my head and it was so cool to see what all of this was about. The solution of air bombs now roams around my head, since there is finally a logical, proven explanation. The strange disappearances and paranormal activity are now steadily waning from me with an actual answer. It was so cool to at last find out the cause to this strange mystery!

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. http://www.cnn.com/2014/03/20/health/happiness-wellbeing-health/index.html

    This article is interesting and inspiring because it talks about happiness and how to be happy. I chose this article because sometimes I have a hard time staying positive and being happy. One day I could be very confident and say that I can do this, but on the other hand on some days I tell myself that I can’t do it. Happiness is a word that we hear and want to be a lot, but it is interesting how much you can study and learn about how it effects your life and loved ones. Laura Kubzansky, a professor in social behaviors did a study about happiness and found out that controlling your ups and downs is very important for your body and mind. She did another study and noticed that if you aren’t happy you are more likely to suffer through depression or any other serious disease. This doesn’t mean that if you aren’t happy you will get a heart attack, but there will be a greater risk. To maintain good well-being habits you could exercise, eat a balanced diet and get enough sleep. People who are optimistic may be more likely to reach their goals because they believe and encourage themselves to be the best they can be. Most people think that having more things would make you very happy. Let’s say that you really wanted a new car and you finally got enough money to buy it. It will give you a lot of joy for a few days, but after a while the joy will fade and it will be just a normal vehicle. Experts say that experiences make us a lot happier than possessions. When you look back at memories you will feel happy and know there are more experiences to come. If what you mean by happiness is specifically enjoying life, then there is evidence for that. People over the age of 60 who said that they didn’t enjoy life as much as they would like to, were more likely to develop disability over eight years. Older adults can regulate their emotions better than younger people. They can have less negative energy and less stress. When some people see happy parents and happy children they automatically think that they are modeling their parents. That is not always correct it also depends on the environment where the child is. The happiness level usually depends on the situation that he/she is in. If some people tell you ‘Don’t worry, be happy’ they aren’t looking at the whole situation. One aspect of being happy is living in the moment. You should always be happy where you are and what you are doing. Try to make yourself positive even in the most difficult and stressful situations.You should be mindful in what you are doing and try not to be very judgmental in observing things that you or others did. When I think about my happiness I think of how I’m not very positive sometimes and I give off some negative stress to others around me. This article inspires me to try to be more positive and encouraging in everything I do.

    1. #2
      I like Victoria’s blog because this topic is something that is very hard to explain. Happiness is different to everyone, and different things make people happy in different ways. A promotion might make an engineer happy, and maybe just taking time for themselves might make someone else happy. I agree with her point that happiness is linked to health. Happy people have younger hearts,stronger immune system,low blood pressure, and have longer life expectancy than the unhappy people. It’s inspiring to read that experiences make us happier than possessions. It is true- I still cherish the moment that I spend with my family in Hawaii when I was eight, but I don’t remember the toy that I had played with at eight. I am impressed that wealth is found to have little effect on happiness. It is surprising to know that there is genetic aspect to happiness, but on the other hand she talks how environment also plays a key role in one’s happiness. I like the article discussing “ mindfulness-living in the moment.” I read recently that mindfulness helps us to be healthier, less affected by stress, more relaxed, more creative, more open to learning,sleep better, improve our relationships with others and feel happier and more satisfied with our lives.

  21. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MsqtYmbDMYY

    I chose this video because it is very interesting, and it is very sad about how much food/waste goes into the trash everyday.I also chose this video to show about how much waste we will have in the next following years. This video showed me how much food we should save instead of waste. Have you ever paid any attention to how much food you waste?Well, in this video it shows how much food goes into the trash only at two o' clock in the afternoon. No one have ever noticed how much food goes into the trash. If a homeless person sees how much food you waste, they may be ashamed of you because you are wasting so much food when a lot of people have to sometimes skip a meal. Everyone in this universe should try to reduce waste, because all these waste destroys animals habitats which reduces the amount of animals, and we need animals to live. Did you ever know that about forty-nine million people are struggling to put food onto the table. Each person usually gets twenty pounds of food, and forty percent of the food goes into the waste. To try to not waste that much food, you should not over shop a grocery stores, order what you can eat, and always save your leftovers. Overall, I hope that you would change your mind and not waste that much food.

    1. I like this video because of many reasons. 1) The narrator of this video had took the responsibility to raise awareness. 2) This video did something to me. Let me describe all of this. First things first, the narrator. How many of us would go dig in the garbage can and dumpster. I'm pretty sure that not many of us said yes.Well, this person is human too, why did he say yes? Because he took the responsibility to speak up and say "Hey, stop wasting all that food". I'm not saying all of us are unhumanic people. I'm just saying all of us should appreciate AND follow these simple guidelines. Okay, let's say the milk in your house spoils. Don't drink it and get carried away with the SAVING FOOD. Just make sure you don't do it next time. If we can do this, we can save tons of food.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. #2
      I really didn’t think much about how much food we waste and how someone might be starving while you have a whole feast. When I started watching this video I instantly thought about our school cafeteria because almost every person is throwing away some kind of food. It is a total waste. I think that we should eat everything that we have on our plate or save it for later. It is actually really sad to think about this topic because some people are on the street with no food while we are throwing away tons of food that we shouldn’t. I think we should all try to help in saving food because let’s say you didn’t have food for two days, and you see someone throwing out a half eaten sandwich. How would you feel? Wouldn’t you wish that they would eaten the sandwich or saved it for later? You might not think about it much but you are lucky that you have food on your table. So let’s all help in raising awareness and saving food.

    4. I think it’s really sad how much food is wasted every day. Some people don’t understand how important food is. Eating is my favorite hobby. I’m not even kidding; I eat about 10 meals a day. I devour food and people who throw out food get me very mad. There are people in the world who are starving to death while the lucky people take their food for granted. This experiment is crazy, but believable. There’s always something getting rotten or spoilt and having to be thrown out. If people are more aware about the food issues around the world, they might actually stop wasting food.
      Yaksha Seth
      Comment 2

  22. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YKx1Rbqpaog

    I have always wondered how the U.S navy would practice drills for war on the ocean. Do they go to a certain part of the ocean and practice? Well, the answer is no. When I watched this video, I finally realized how they prepare for a very harsh war with our enemies and really enjoyed it. I learned something new that not many people know. The navy has an indoor ocean. They do not swim and have pool parties in there. They prepare for war. It is 240 feet wide and 360 feet long and it holds over 12 million gallons of water. This is how they practice and construct ships. This indoor ocean has so many capabilities and one of them is simulating ocean waves. On the edges of the indoor ocean, there are 216 individual finger-like panels that push on the water to get certain types of waves. These waves are able to take place of storm waves on the ocean to tiny little ripples. They can test a lot of waves as a actual ocean has. Another capability is that it helps them construct ships that stay strong on the waves. There are men and women who do this for the navy and it is very important. They can understand the ship’s strengths and weaknesses and improve it in any way possible. A third advantage is that it uses so much technology and it is really successful. The technology move ships around on the water and make new ships while improving them. Some of the technology is really big and some of the technology is very small. Even the panels used to move the water is technology. I really enjoyed this video because it taught me all the technology that they use to get prepared for the war. They look at the ship movements used by the technology and simulating the waves all together to get what they want. They have to be prepared. I think that having an indoor ocean with an area of 86,400 sq. feet is really cool. If I had an indoor ocean that big, I would have called everybody I knew and had a pool party for the whole day. I could even practice swimming. I could practice swimming and I won’t have to go to my swimming classes and spent money. My swimming instructor can come to my indoor ocean. Anyway, the navy needs the indoor ocean way more than I do. They need it to help the world. I, instead, was going to use it for parties. I think you should watch this video because you will learn about the people who give the freedom to live the way you should. It is an interesting fact that they have their own indoor ocean and that there are other ones around the world. Some indoor oceans might be bigger than the one the navy has. Although there are indoor oceans bigger than us, we still use it to give freedom to our country. This video is interesting and it tell us that they want to give us what we deserve so we should do the same.

    1. Comment #2 Neha Bhaskaran
      Wow! I thought this video is really cool. I didn’t know that the navy had an indoor ocean to test their boats and ships. I thought that they tested them out on the real oceans until I saw this video. The waves can get big and small just like the real ones. I was surprised at the fact that they actually build the ships and missiles and let them go onto the water. What happens if somehow it gets crushed in the waves? Would they have to clean up all that water before another test run? Imagine being able to control the waves. You would feel like you have so much power yet you’re not even straining a finger. We are so lucky to have people risk their lives and use money on helping our society. These amazing engineers have done such a great job in creating such a useful naval testing machine. I finally understand how the navy uses this big indoor ocean for training troops and test all the water weapons and boats.

    2. Wait, there are indoor oceans? I have never thought anything like that existed. That fact that it holds over 12 million gallons of water is unbelievable! Before even thinking about training to fight in here, imagine swimming in it. I’ve never tried to go in water deeper than 5 feet and I am scared to even try to go in deeper. The people who created this indoor ocean did everything to make it seem as real as they could and you can see how much effort they put in this. I think it’s a smart idea to test all these inventions somewhere indoor than out in the big ocean. If the invention fails, at least all the broken parts aren’t floating out in the ocean. I’ve always wondered how the US Navy tests their ships and equipments, now I know how.
      Yaksha Seth
      Comment 1

  23. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKyh2ugjiE4

    This inspiring short film speaks not only by words, but also by a surge of emotional attachment. Life is not just about money, it conveys much more through emotions, happiness and aid. In this clip, you see an average person helping the public and making a difference. Bystanders actively watch his actions, and some also pitched in. The man started with simple actions such as watering a plant, but his intention and thought followed by him conveying them made a difference. He also helped a woman carry out a large, heavy cart and took his own food and fed it to a hungry dog, rather than eating it himself. Though his financial state was not the best, the considerate man gave money to the poor, for the education of a child. He assisted an elderly woman, by leaving bananas on her doorknob on a regular basis. The individuals getting helped look up to life with hope due to a kind man with simple everyday gestures. All these kind acts became a healthy habit for the man. In fact, the bystanders hearts softened, and they completed his habits for him. Someone had put the plant under the dripping water, helping it grow. The women would be waiting for the man to come help carry the weighty cart. The dog would look forward to the man’s company. The money he left in the young girl’s cup, allowed her to go to school, and the bananas left on the elderly woman’s doorknob permitted him to be able to experience emotions.You saw this man make a chain of happiness. He was not a rich, wealthy man, but he still did whatever he could do to put smiles on other people’s faces. Happiness and emotions are things that you cannot buy with money, but you can earn with a positive attitude.This one man changed the lives of many, by passing on the gift of humbleness and giving on to those who kept watching. Simple actions can make anyone’s day, and ultimately makes mankind more sensitive to the realities of emotion and the harshness of what goes on outside one’s own walls.

    1. #2 Raghava Kalidindi

      The man in the video is a great man. He has nothing, yet he has everything. It teaches a valuable lesson showing how a simple act of kindness can change a person’s life. I believe that the whole world needs to see this video and understand that money isn’t everything. Right now there are a lot of people who care too much about having everything that they have nothing. I once read that if you have food, water, a family, and a roof over your head, you are the richest person in the world. This video proves that point. He might not have much money, but yet he donates to the poor and gives the little food he has to the needy. That is a great way to live a life.If everyone lived in such a way, there won’t be any wars. Everyone will be happy and life would be great.

    2. I thought that this was one of the most inspirational videos I’ve ever seen! In this video, there was a man who was doing so many acts of kindness. He wasn’t doing this for fame or money; he did that because he cares. This man wasn’t just helping humans; he was helping the environment become healthier. If you think about it, just by helping one person, you can change someone’s whole life. This was exactly what the man did. He kept giving instead of being selfish to change a little girl’s life. This is why I thought this was inspiring. This made me think about me and others and how much I care about others.
      -Henna (PS- 1st reply)

    3. #1
      I think video was very inspirational to me. This video was about a man who wasn't too rich, but would give some money to a little girl and her mother every single day. Every time he gave money to the mother and daughter this shopkeeper would always nod, and he wouldn't know why this man was "wasting" his money on the poor family. After a few more days, the kind man came back to give money to the little girl, but she wasn't there. Instead, she came running to her mom after coming from school. This lit up the man's day, and I am pretty sure that the shopkeeper has learned something new that day. This kind man had done many more kind deeds, and what he received was Happiness! This video has inspired me to keep on helping others, even though I might not get anything back but happiness. I hope that a lot of people in the world would see this video, and actually start helping many people in need.

    4. #1
      This video would definitely go on one of my Top 15 Inspirational Videos list if I had one. The man in the video acted very selfless, caring, and just upright kind. If the average person passed by all the things the man passed, they would have cursed at the water, ignored the food cart, shooed the dog, ignored the little girl and pretty much ignore everything else. The man on the other hand, did his very best to help. I did not cry about this video, but I was touched. I smiled at all the joyful outcomes of the man’s deeds. Without the man, the plant wouldn’t have grown, the food cart lady would struggle with her cart everyday, and the girl wouldn’t be able to go to school. But the man went out of his way and made the world more beautiful. He made friends with strangers and brightened people’s future.

    5. Jasmin Yee

      This video was very inspirational. When I saw how that man helped others in different ways I instantly compared it to how some people are helping the poor and needy. I also like how he does not really care about how much money he lost on the poor and needy people, and how he only cares about their successes. He only cares about their life with the help he gives. He always wants to help others, and I think everyone should start to do what the guy did to others. This is also teaching you a big lesson about helping others because one day you might need help. Another big lesson is that do not complain about what you get or buy because poor and needy people needs more than what you want. So, try to help others and not complain about what you get. I hope that one day the homeless people will get a home for themselves and not be on the streets asking for help or money.

  24. Learning to drive to now vehicles driving on their own…


    It is widely believed that true automobiles were invented about 100+ years ago. In 1885 Karl Benz, from Germany, is considered to be the first inventor. Before that you all will agree with me that people literally traveled everywhere on foot or through some vehicles like horse carts etc. I have always been fascinated at vehicles and how they are built. I had seen videos of inventions where the cars park on their own to some auto pilot models in Tesla. But imagine, a big 16 wheeler truck being able to drive without a driver. In this video you will see that once the truck reaches the highway, the driver presses a button and the truck continues to drive on its own! This happened just a week ago on October 20, 2016. A truck drove itself from Fort Collins through Denver to Colorado Springs. The driver was reading a newspaper and sitting in the rear of the truck for a distance of 120 miles on the highway. Can you believe it?
    I used to think that these things can only happen in fantasy books. Overtime technology has become so advanced and with so much innovation, humans have to do less and less of their manual work. In some ways you can say that people are becoming lazier. The positive side is that people will get more time to other meaningful tasks. I think it’s important for everyone to see how the world is changing day-by-day and adapt ourselves to the modern world.

    1. This was a very surprising video. Though it was surprising, it was interesting too. I thought that self-driving vehicles very only in like fantasy books and movies… but no. Now with the new modern world, who knows what people can create? Because of all the different technology they have now created self-driving trucks. They have invented the trucks, and I’m pretty sure they close to creating self-driving cars. This new world will turn into a safer place for us and others. There will be fewer crashes since people are not driving drunk. There will be fewer deaths, and we can live happily.
      -Henna(PS-2nd Reply)

  25. Very nice entries. Thanks for sharing.

  26. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXsQAXx_ao0

    This video is a motivational video, where Shia LaBeouf motivateso his audience on believing not yourself, and not being afraid to stand out say what you mean. I think thishe is a good video to show you guys because I believe we have all been in G+T for at least one year before this and we all know the stress of presenting our projects. I thought maybe this could motivate us to always persevere and achieve our goals. Remember, JUST DO IT. Don't just let every great idea you have pass by like a cloud and never come back again. Always follow your dreams. If you feel Ike you can't do something, just try. This is especially a good time to show the video, right before we start our new topic. I hopened that this is a video that puts the spark in all of you

    P.S: No internet, couldn't log on in October. Sorry Mrs.Mandell


    1. Jiselle D’souza IMS Grade 6 #2

      When I had originally read this entry I had thought it was about a guy sitting down and quietly inspiring us to live our dreams but when I searched for this video online I was in for a surprise. Instead of the quiet man I was expecting I saw a man yelling at me to “JUST DO IT!” and telling me “NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE!!”I have actually seen people reacting to this video before but I had not expected it to be the same thing. After seeing the original video I felt like it was more for comedy than inspirational. To me it seems comical that a full grown man is yelling in an empty room and saying “JUST DO IT!!!!!!”

  27. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YXfTNcnF9rM
    I chose this video because I like science experiments. The creator, CrazyRussianHacker, has posted many videos like this and this is one of my favorite ones. In this video he shows you a bunch of experiments that you can do at home. I'm going to explain each of his experiments briefly.
    His first experiment was about different air pressure react with each other. He heats up a coke can and then he puts it in cold ice. The different air pressures react and make the coke can implode. This shows how dangerous reactions can be.
    For the next experiment he heats up a pan. In a short amount of time he pours water and all the water evaporates but after 5 minutes the water acts differently. Instead of evaporating this time the water was sliding like it wasn't even water. Personally this was one of my favorite experiments in this video.
    For the next he takes a plate and then he pours some milk in it. Then he puts different food colors in it and finally puts detergent in it. All of the liquid ingredients react together to make a masterpiece of different colors like red, green, yellow, and blue.
    This experiment is one of the only ones that needs protection. In this one he heats up a bottle and the air pressure inside the bottle change. When he puts a balloon over the bottle upside down the balloon inflates because of the air pressure in the bottle and the balloon.
    There are a lot of ingredients in the next experiment. He uses a bunch of liquids like detergent and karo syrup to make a density tower. A density tower is a model in which it shows the order in densities of all the ingredients.
    Pop! In the next experiment when he puts a pin under a balloon the balloon explodes. Pop! Then he puts a bunch of pins under a balloon and the balloon does not explode. This happens because when the balloon is over a bunch of pins the air pressure distributes over the whole balloon.
    Drip, drop, drip, drop .In the next experiments he pokes alike 5 holes in a water bottle and none of the water leaked out. When he squeezed it all the water leaked out. This happened because of the air pressure.
    This was the noisiest experiment. He rubbed his finger all around the wine glass and this created a very bad noise. This happened because of the friction between his finger and wine glass.
    In the final experiment it has to do with air pressure again. He tries to fit an egg into a bottle but it didn't fit but then he put a burning piece of paper in the bottle and then the egg fit into the bottle. This happened because the flame changed the air pressure which sucked the egg in.
    I chose this video because of all the amazing experiments and how they were so easy to do at home and how interesting each of them were. They also made you think how he did it.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. ok. Great input, people! Very interesting content!

  30. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p9A-oxUMAy8

    I picked this video because it surprised me when I first watched it. The shark is out to eat the octopus and you expect the "poor, defenseless creature" to be eaten. The shark has impenetrable skin, razor sharp teeth, and powerful fins. The octopus has soft skin and squirmy tentacles. The octopus does not even have as much experience as the shark. However, the 8 legged sea creature surprises everyone by suffocating the shark out of the blue. It comes to show that you should never judge a book by its cover. That means that just because you don't look scary doesn't mean you can't be scary. The "poor defenseless" octopus turns out to be a natural surviver. Another reason I find this video interesting is because it teaches us how octopuses survive in the deep blue sea with thousands of predators out to eat them. It teaches how they first try to avoid danger, and if that doesn't work, they fight their enemy. The video shows how many animals protect themselves, by eliminating their enemies. This video is also is a good example of haw background music affects the story. The dramatic music makes you feel absorbed and it gives you the desire to find out whites going to happen next. The dramatic music also shows that the video is going to be just as dramatic. This video also shows ways to deal with life. Try and do everything you can to avoid the problem in the first place, and if you can't, you will need to face it head on and let it take you over. To me, that video seemed like it had great content. The little surprise at the end makes it a truly fascinating video for me. This video taught me a lot of things about nature and I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
