Monday, December 5, 2016

Blog # 4 Test grade due 12/31/16

December is a very special month. It's a time for sharing the warmth of family and friendship. What was the best gift that you ever gave or received. Why? This gift DOES NOT have to be a material item...


  1. One of the best gifts I have ever received is my family. One of the best things about my family is that they care about me, love me, and that they make me laugh. My family cares me so much that they would do anything for me. One way that they care about me is they don’t want me to get sick. Everyday my parents remind me to bundle up and take an umbrella if it is raining. Each of them Make sure I have a blanket if I am cold or put the heat up. If it’s very late they drag me to go to sleep even if i don’t want to because they don’t want me to get a fever. If I am starting to cough, sneeze, or my throat starts hurting they immediately give me some pure orange juice and have me take some vitamins. When I actually do get sick somehow, they take off from work to make sure I was cozy and had everything I needed. Another way my family care for me is making sure I had food on my plate and that I was warm and I had somewhere to sleep and have fun. I don’t think about it very much, but my family cares about me so much I don’t know any other way they could care about me more. My family is also the greatest gift I have received because they love me so much I can’t even tell how much. They hug me and kiss me to show me how much they are fond of me. If I do something worth wild for them such as making a beautiful card that took me hours to make or sing at a choir concert they make me feel proud of myself. Let’s say I don't understand something in math or I just have a hard time with that particular problem everyone of them try to help in some way. My mom would tell me how she would do it and explain to me why that is how you do it. My brother would put it in the right wording and how to show my work. After all of that help I understand how to do the other problems. This is a great factor in how I know that they love me because they take time to help me out of their busy day and really try to make an effort to explain the problem to me. There are many other aspects that help the idea of family as being the best gift but the last thing I will mention is that they all make me laugh. My mom always tells jokes and tries to make my day better, which does help since I have a lot of things to do and I just get stressed out sometimes. My dad is just naturally funny because he has such a jolly personality that makes me smile almost every time I see him. My brother always tries to make me have fun and laugh in any situation. I couldn’t ask for a better family.

  2. I haven’t given this gift yet, but I hope that this gift will be the best gift I ever gave. That gift is a letter that I’m working on in Reading+Writing Workshop. I’m going to give it to my father this year. The letter tells about how much he means to me. I guess I can also say that, for me, it’s like a confession. Throughout my life, I haven’t been very respectful to my parents, so my dad gets mad at me a lot. So, I’m going to try to say sorry for that through this letter. Why don’t I just go up to him and say, “I’m sorry,”? 1) It won’t work. Trust me. 2) I’m too scared. Yeah. But anyways, I just hope that my dad likes the letter. “But why,” you may ask, “is this the best gift ever?” Like some kids, I don’t give my parents gifts that are that important. This year might be the first year that I give at least one of my parents a special gift. Just imagine, you have a kid that you’ve been yelling at, because they weren’t behaving, since they were in first grade. 5 years of yelling later, they give you a letter for Christmas that says that they are thankful that they have you and that they are sorry for all those years of trouble they gave you. Some may think that it is a joke. But I hope that when my dad receives this gift, I hope that he will be open-minded and accept it with a smile.
    For those who celebrate Christmas, the only time people get gifts are birthdays and Christmas. I usually ask for better gifts at Christmas because I don’t want anyone to spend too much for me. The thing is, though, I don’t use my gifts a lot. For example: This year my father got me a skateboard, but I’ve barely touched it in a while. For Christmas, I want to try to play with my gift often and respect my gifts.
    Now that I’m finished telling about my gift, I guess I’ll say the other gifts I’m giving. For my mother, I am giving her a body pillow. I WAS going to say it was from Santa (don’t judge,) but I bought it with my mom, so now she knows about it. Oh well. For my sister, Amber, I’m got her a remote control racecar. I got this at Five Below, so I hope it works well. If you read what was above, you would know that I’m getting my father a letter and also some camera lenses for his phone. I just hope that he would like them.
    To add on to other Christmas/holiday related topics, I think that I should say what I asked for Christmas this year. My main want for Christmas was the video game Skylanders Imaginators for my Playstation 3. Some other things I would like are the two Harry Potter video games for PS3, some Harry Potter board games, and maybe fit in Minecraft for PC.

  3. I’ve received a lot of gifts throughout my life time. One of the best gifts I got in my whole life time was the ability to go to school and get a better education. One of the reasons I’m very grateful for this present is because it made me more intelligent. If I did not have school I would not be as smart as I am today. There would be no possible way to get intelligent. This would give you a very difficult time in the future as you grow. If you want a good future more than often you will need a good education, degrees, certificates, and a good reputation. At that time you can’t spend another lifetime to go to school again and learn your basic subjects like math, English language arts, social studies, and science. Even if I had home schooling the product for all the effort would not be that good. If your parents didn’t have school in the same country you might not learn everything you need to. Also the techniques you learn might not be ideal for everything or the methods might be very hard or confusing. I’ve been through this before and when I first came to America it was very hard for me to learn reading and writing. I couldn’t pronounce anything correctly and I didn’t know any elaborate words like I do today. I was very dumb before but through my struggle and persuasion I became intelligent and eventually I got selected to the Gifted and Talented Program, GnT. I would definitely learn more and have a better life if I was in school than no school at all or home schooling with my parents and sibling. Next it encourages you to socialize with new people and not stay at home and be lazy. In your house your time probably won’t go to productive things that will help you in the future. Instead you will just waste your time doing unhelpful things. Some of those unhelpful things are watching television, sitting there, and day dreaming. Meanwhile you could be with friends socializing. Of course you can’t do it in bad times like a test or fire drills. You will get more friends this way and you’ll be way more popular. This will also take your self-esteem levels bursting out the roof. You will also have way more exercise which will give you a better health situation. This will also prevent you from eating potato chips on bed watching a movie all the time. You also can’t become a lazy, lonely couch potato. Finally school is a way to meet new people. For example you’ll meet various and different teachers. These teachers might be strict, mean, nice, short, tall, caring, lazy, uncompassionate, mannerly, and more. They’ll also try to introduce you to more diverse people such as your classmates, other students, older student role models, and many other people. It’s impossible to not get outstanded by the new people you will meet in your journey in school. School is my favorite gift I ever got.

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  5. I have many gifts that other living creatures/people don’t have, but the best gift I have is being able to live on this planet as a human. So far, about 100 billion people have died before me with little or no technology, and I am born into a world where there is a lot of technology, and not much problem, and I am proud to be a human, unlike many people before me that have lived, and were probably not proud to be a human being. I am glad that I am a human being, and that I am not a bug that can get squashed any second, or a tree that can do practically nothing. This gift also includes living longer than many creatures, being moderately fast, and also having a complex brain and having the ability to think with high efficiency, and the ability to evolve and adapt faster than many other animals, as well as many objects that help you, that many other animals don’t have. I also am grateful for the gift of freedom, which also comes along with being a human being, unlike a pet or some other animal in a zoo, which does not have freedom, and people spend so much money and time for them, just so they are not free and so that they could keep them, and humans aren’t faced with this threat. I am also proud to be a human being, because this enables me to have a family, or people who support me every step of my life, unlike many animals, whose parents leave them as soon as they are born, and also other animals, which have a family just to protect and teach them. A human being also enables me to have a lot of ideas in one second that other animals don’t, but more importantly humans have tremendous safety, unlike other animals that are out in the wild, to fend for themselves against bad weather, deadly and stealthy predators, and many more. However, the worst part is that they can’t choose whether they have a break or not, because it is most likely that they won’t anyways. As a human being, I have knowledge on many different things, and I have food, water, and a roof over my head that our ancestors worked hard to accomplish. In being a human, I have entertainment too, along with basic advantages, such as a PS4, a laptop, and a 3DS, which when I had a bad day, I can forget it, and immerse myself into one of my things(even though I can only do that during weekends because of homework problems). Another thing that comes along with being a human. I also love the gift of being a human, because we have exciting lives. Other animals just find food and live, but we humans are much different. We have many different factors in our lives: money, stock market, rumors, books, movies, news, phones, televisions, computers, etc. We don’t have much to fear, because we are not like some animals who could be eaten in their sleep, and other animals out in the wild with little or no protection. So, in conclusion, there are many reasons that being a human being is the best gift I have of all possibly forever. Because if I were not a human being, I would have most likely been dead by now.

  6. Raghava Kalidindi
    I gave/received many gifts in my lifetime. Every time it is your birthday or Christmas you are waiting to find out whether you get good gifts or not and whether you will get any gifts at all. I do all of the things listed above. But just recently I started realizing that the gift of all is not the gift at all, but the person who gave that gift. What I am talking about is a friend. I have moved a lot in my life. Due to my constant changing of places, I have met a lot of people. I was born in India. I soon moved to Boston, Massachusetts. I then moved from there to Jersey City, then back to India. I returned to Jersey City and then moved to Texas and then here. In each of the places I moved to I never had any real friends and never realized they were actually important. That is, until I moved here. I came here when I was in third grade and for the first time in all my life, I understand what it means to have a friend. Here I learned a lot of things and I now know what fun it can be to have a friend. I used to play on my own and think that a friend could not possibly be required. It is just now that I am starting to get out more. On my first day I met this kid who is as extroverted as one of those TV show hosts who can’t stop talking. Me and him shared common interests and we became friends immediately ( I still don’t like using the term “best friends”). Since then I made friends with a ton of people but still consider myself a loner at heart. But other than that, I think that getting a friend is the best thing that could have ever happened to me. I now am much happier here than any of the other places I’ve been to. Not only are friends nice play pals, but they also are helpful in letting me believe in myself. They let me discover my hidden talents and interests. A friend lets me share my feelings with them answer my questions if I am confused. It is also better to have a lot of friends in case your teacher is dividing you into groups for a project. There is a lot better chance for you to be with someone you trust. If a friend is in your group, you would feel more comfortable with what your group is going to do. I didn’t know all of this before I came here, so I should really say that coming here is the best gift ever. But of course, if life gives you lemons you make lemonade. The lemons are the gift not you making the lemonade. The same with friends. I learned that life put other people in this world for a reason and you can’t change that. As they say, if you can’t beat them, join them. This what I learned from the greatest gift I have ever received: friendship.

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    1. The Best Gift Ever

      The holidays are rolling around and I was asked what my favorite present I ever got was. There are so many things to choose from. Sure, my IPod and 3D pen were amazing gifts, but the best gift I could ever ask for is my family. My family means so much to me. I love to spend time with my mom, dad, and brother. Whenever it is time to spend a holiday or weekend over at my grandma’s house with my cousins, I always get so excited. I never want to leave when we have to go home and always beg to stay the night. I have so much fun sitting inside my house playing board games like Monopoly and the game of Life. I love to just cherish these moments. When we sit around the Christmas tree, I look around to see all the gifts. Then I look back to all my family members sitting around with me, smiling while trying to find out what they got. I look down in front of myself and see a small gift. It was a card from all my little cousins. That was the best because I knew how much they loved me. I still have that card and will always remember it. My family is very supportive and helps me if I need help. They never give up on me and encourage me to do the best. No one else does that. They motivate me to always do my best and even better. When we had to take a picture together, I used to get really annoyed because I just wanted to have fun and not stay still. Now I look back at all the pictures we took years back from now and wish I had taken more. So when your mom or dad tell you to stay still for a picture, you should listen because you will regret not having a memory if you don’t. The last time I went to my aunt house in New York for New Year’s Eve, I made sure I took as many pictures as I could and then my storage filled up. I am always excited to spend time with my family. If I didn’t have them, I don’t know what I would have done.
      Next to my family, my favorite gift was not a toy but was a real German Shepard dog. I got my dog Max around the time of Christmas. My brother’s friend had two dogs and one was max. Their dad was giving them away because he couldn’t handle them both with his back conditions. He offered us Max, knowing that my brother and I have always wanted a dog. My mom at first didn’t totally agree with the idea of having a dog. Slowly as we got to take care of him a few days at a time, she changed her mind. My brother and I thought we wouldn’t be able to keep him since we knew our mom wasn’t keen on dogs that shed. Then on the week of Christmas, we woke up to something licking our faces. It was Max on our bed trying to wake us up. Our dad told us we can keep him. He was the best gift I got that year. We played with him every day and fed him. As soon as I came home from school, I took Max into the backyard and brushed him. He loved snow so when we went to play outside on the snow days. We threw snowballs at him and he tried catching them in his mouth. It was really funny to watch him. Max was a great guard dog and he was really protective. Just like my family was protective of my brother and I, Max was protective of our whole family. He knew what time our school bus came home and would bark so my grandma could open the door for us. Max was a really smart dog.
      My family and my dog Max are the best things I could ever ask for. I love them both and I know they love me back. I could never replace either of them for the world. My memories I have with them is also the best gift. Taking all those pictures help me remember all the things we did and enjoyed. These are truly the best gifts I could ever get.

  8. One of the best gifts I’ve ever received was my family. I couldn’t have done anything without them. My family is very loving, caring, and amazing people. They mean everything to me. Without them, I would remain upset for my entire life. One example to prove this is that they have given me education. I wouldn’t have known what 5*5 was without them. From the start, they would make me do these math, science, and reading writing books. I thought that that they were so boring and useless… but no. Now that I think about, they were just trying to help me prosper in life; get into a good college, and get a good job. My parents also then put me in school for a higher education. Talking about education, my dad and brother helps me with homework. This is mainly for math because it’s hard. They would put their explanations in a right way just for me so that I understand. Trust me; they wouldn’t let me go without understanding. It’s just that my family wants me to get a better education. Another example is that my family wouldn’t want me to get sick. During the winter or any time of the season, they would always tell me to bundle up so I won’t catch a cold. And if I unfortunately do get a cold, my parents would take off from their job to care and help me. My parents would give me medicine so that I could feel better. Plus, family helps you through hard times. That’s exactly what my family does. If something bad happens to me, they would be there make me at ease. For example, if I get bullied at school, my mom, dad, and brother will be there to help me. They will comfort me. That is a big plus point about family. When you need them, they are always there for you. Also, they make sure that I need all the nutrients I need for a healthy body. One day they give me something to eat, then the next day something else (healthy). They try to balance out of what I eat and don’t eat. One of the best parts about having a family is that you have a lot of fun with them. You go to amusement parks and restaurants. Taking pictures and remembering the great times you had with your family. You also go to other places like the beach and arcades. I feel bad for people who don’t have families. They miss out on so much. They don’t get the care that we get such as, food, and education. All these reasons are why having my family is the best present I got and will never replace.

  9. Many of us look forward to holidays because it’s the time of giving. (And Getting) We give people gifts and small presents but do we give it to them with a true emotion or feeling. For most of us, it’s a no. We give it because it makes us look good but the other person thinks, “Wow! I love this gift. It’s the best,” and that moment has happened to me also. I remember arguing with my mom making pizza over a healthy Indian dish I disliked. We had a huge argument, but in the end, she did make pizza. After dinner, I thought about how I had argued over my mom for pizza. It was hovering in my head for days. A few days later, she gave me the choice of eating out in a restaurant or something at home, obviously, I picked eating out but then I thought about how lucky I was that she asked me or I would be eating a “healthy” dish at home. Then it came to me, “Wow! I am so lucky I have a family that cares about me and makes me food.” For those kids around the world that don’t have a family to share memories with and have no one to spend time with, may never know what having a family is all about. I know there are some gifts that I enjoy a lot like my Wii U and other activities, but who gave them to me? My family. My mom. My dad. My sister. My grandparents. My cousins and countless other names I am grateful for and because of those people, I have a life with a good education and people to care about. My parents are the ones who take care of me when I am sick. When I need help, my family is there covering my back. They give me things to play with. My sister helps me with my homework because she has been in my place before. My mom makes dinner for me at night. My dad and my mom work to earn money so they can run the house and so I can get into the college I want with a good education. For some people, they take advantage of their parents to get the toys they want, but for me, my parents mean a lot to me. I’m not just saying that but I really mean it. Because they do all this for me, I try to do the best in return. They give me the ability to go to school. They have the amenities I need to complete projects and do homework but the best part about having a family, is to have someone to share those special moments with that can never be distinguished. They hug me, give me kisses, cuddle up with me to show they truly love me. They take time out of their daily lives to take me to my basketball games and practices. I don’t think I have seen my mom relax on the weekdays because she is always running around caring for us, doing her work, and running our home. The only time my mom and dad relax are on the weekends which is when I have my basketball games and practices. I don’t think I could ask for a better family or gift than this! (except for a few video games, a Stephen Curry basketball jersey, etc.)

  10. One of the best gift I have ever received is my family. My best gift is my family is because they always love me, care for me, and comfort me. My family loves me so much that they would do anything to help me. A way they always love me, is that they will stop whatever they are doing even though it is important, and help me with whatever I need help with. My family cares for me so much that, when I am sick, they would skip work and stay at home with me and watch me. Sometimes they help me so much that they would sometimes get my sickness that I caught. My family comforts me when I am sad. A way my family comforts me, is when I am stressed out, they will release my stress by having me talk with them about crazy, funny, and weird things. My best gift is my family because not all people in this world is lucky enough to have a mom, dad, sister, and brother. Some people are homeless without a family. If they have a family, sometimes, their family does not care, love, or even wants to have them. But, I am very lucky to have a family that would get out of their way to help me wherever, and whenever. Most of all, my family wants me to be their and live a happy, jolly life with them. For example, during the winter choir concert, my mom had to work late, and my dad would come home late, but my dad got out of his way to get home in time and bring me to the choir concert that was in the John F. Kennedy auditorium. I know there are better gifts I received, like my laptop, IPad, but I did not say that those were my best gifts, because, who gave me the gifts? My family (my father, my mother, and my sisters). There are a lot of special deeds in my family, but most of all, we have fun together, and laugh together. That is my favorite thing to do with my family because we get to have some family time with each other, and we also get to be stress free. Overall, anyone who has a family that loves and cares about you so much, you are very lucky to be one of those people. You should be glad to have a family like that even though you have a lot of arguments with each other. Even though you guys fight and have arguments with each other, they will always love you deep down in their heart no matter what.

    - Jasmin Yee

  11. The best gift I have ever received was my family. My family is what brings joy and happiness into my life. I cherish every moment I have with them. They are the other part of me, and without them I would not be who I am today. They are so kind, generous and supporting, and I couldn’t wish for something better. My family does everything to help me and benefit me. Their loving attitudes assist me through all of the hardships I deal through. They convey as much time as they can, just to make me smile and stay happy. My family is like a machine. Without one piece, the machine breaks down and stops to work. We work together and with each other’s support, we can make the machine work again. This family soothes me and comforts me when I’m down, and they enjoy fun times with me as well. They will try their hardest to make times and memories better than ever. I have the best memories with my family. From vacations to a gloomy day at home, every memory I remember with my family has been the best. They have raised me and taught me to work to the greatest of my abilities. They helped me through all eleven years of my life, guiding me to the right direction, doing the best they can for me. I have reached where I am today all because of them, and I am as successful as I am today all because of my family. My parents helped me when I was younger, so I would have the proper education, and my older brother helps me with endless amounts of things that will all help me in the long run. You must value everything that your family has done for you. It is key to understand the importance a family gives to you, like a home and friendly environment to spend your time in. My family cares for me a whole lot. They sacrifice their time and effort just for me. Weather I am sick, or we want to spend together, they will do whatever they have to do to squeeze that time in. Family time is awesome. We all get to catch up on each others lives, which we can’t do on a busy schedule. My family has given so much to me. Mainly their love, support and emotions for me. Everything turns out better and brighter when they are around. They bring joy and pleasure into the house, and my family is like no other. They are so unique, loving, caring, kind and so much more more. I am extremely thankful for my amazing family who is always there for me whenever I need them. Their encouraging and affectionate character is what brought me up today. I really value all that my family is capable of doing for each other and I truly enjoy their presence. Everything they do comes from the heart and I don’t know what I would do without them.

  12. The best gift that I ever received was given to me a long time ago, 11 years ago. That wonderful gift was given to me when I was born, that gift is my parents. My parents were the ones who introduced me to this amazing planets. They helped me grow and grow and grow, made me learn and learn and learn.They helped me with conquering and emerge victorious in all my hardships (not that I have that many, I’m only 11). These heroes in my life helped me every step of the way, building me, turning me into the man I am today (not that I am, again, I’m still only 11). If I happened to become ill they would spend their time looking after me, caring for me more than ever possible. Just on Christmas, I was sick so my parents were right on my side getting me water and giving me medicine. If I was ever famished they prepared a 5-star meal, if by chance I managed to get hurt I would have to face the wrath of caring, but annoying, Doctor Mom. My dad is very kind and selfless. Whenever we’re eating food he always says, “Have some more, have some more.” My parents take me to different, cool places. We went to Victoria Falls, Niagara Falls, California, Gateway Arch, etc.. They spend time and lots of money so that I can be happy and make good memories. I learned a lot from them not just school but regarding life as well. They taught me to never give up, they taught me always chase your dreams, they taught me that you can be whatever you want to be. Regarding homework and school they help me with anything I need help with. I first try it and I check it with my dad to see if I did it correctly, if I did it wrong my dad would tell me what mistake I made then make me redo it. My parents are happy with my grades because they always know that I tried my best. My parents love me a lot. They encourage me to do better if I get a bad grade. They love me a lot, not because I have an awesome haircut, they love me because I’m their son, no matter how I look or act they love me and I will love them back. They hug me and kiss me and hold me very tight. This usually makes me happy but sometimes when I’m with my friends it’s very annoying and embarrassing. My parents work for money so that I can live happily and properly. They work so that I can get a good education at a good college. The only thing that crosses their minds is my good being. My parents worked hard so that I could have an amazing life. We traveled all over the place, here and there and back again, just so that I could have a good home. These people were complete strangers to me, however, they became my wonderful gift, my family.

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  14. At this time of year, people are giving gifts to their loved ones and strengthening relationships. However, some people focus on the gifts that they are receiving and not what it truly means. I plead guilty as to doing this myself but I never really thought of how lucky I am compared to others. For starters, I have a family that loves me and takes care of me. When I’m feeling down, they give me the support to get back up on my feet. When I’m facing a hardship, they are right there by side making sure I can overcome any obstacle that comes my way. If you go beyond that, I’m lucky to have a house that provides shelter and keeps me from getting into harm’s way. If you go even further than that to the beginning of my existence… I’m a human. Like “no duh” of course I am. But just think about what that means. It may sound a little cheesy but being born as a breathing fully functional human is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me. On top of that, I’m fortunate enough to live in the 21st century which is the most technologically advanced era yet in human history. Before me, people had to hunt to survive, came down with life threating illnesses, and a lot of inconveniences compared to today. I’m grateful that I wasn’t born a plant that just stays in one place, or a deer that gets hunted by predators. Humans are also gifted with complex brains that allow us to build complicated structures and allow us to invent life saving devices. I’m also glad that I live in a safe country that isn’t a communist war driven nation. A lot of people don’t have the same facilities and freedom as we do as humans and a lot of people forget that. Now let’s get back to me. I know, that sounds conceited.
    Being a human is a gift, like I said. But there are reasons that I can think of because of my family. When I was born, my parents took care of me and provided a home for me. Being a human being allowed me to make vivid memories of my loved ones. Like going to Dorney Park with my cousins was amazing. We rode huge and I mean huge roller coasters and went on water rides. It really made me appreciate being human so I could experience these thrills. Also, being human is not just being born, it’s about being kind and nice to the people around you. If I see someone that dropped their books I would help them. I get a great feeling and it makes me feel amazing. Being human is the greatest gift anyone can ever receive. And we shouldn’t take that for granted.
    Just as a little extra, I think I should put what I got for Christmas. Not trying to make anyone jealous, but I received a gaming pc, the new Pokémon Sun game, and an iPhone SE. I hope this blog made you appreciate your existence even more.

  15. Better than any material gift is a one that comes from the heart, has feeling and shows that the person who gave it to you cares about you. One of the best gifts I have ever received are my friends. They are amazing, funny, and weird in all different ways, and they are all unique.
    5 reasons why my friends are the best gifts I have ever received:
    They cheer me up when I am sad.
    They are funny.
    They support me.
    They always stick with me.
    They are trustworthy.
    They cheer me up when I am sad. There are many incidents. Here I want to mention one. During the band concert, I couldn’t play because my clarinet cracked right before the performance.The next day, my friend brought me a lollipop. I know it sounds dumb, but it came from the heart because he thought of me and saved one for me.They are funny because they don’t wear pantsuits and talk in ratios all the time. They are outgoing, they laugh and aren’t so serious all the time (unless they need to be).They support me because when I got onto a team, they were happy for me even though they wanted to be on the team. They are trustworthy because ,well, they keep my secrets.Without my friends,my life would be boring. It’s like life is a sandwich, I am the bread, and the pickles and turkey are my friends. The sandwich would not taste good without the pickles and turkey. Friends are indescribable. They don’t have even one drop of our blood, yet they take a big place in your heart. Friends are also accepting. Even though they know your weaknesses and your flaws and your secrets, they still stick with you. They understand you when no one else does. Friends spend time with you, so you have someone to share the little moments in life with. Also, friends tell you the bitter truth, even if you don’t want to hear it. They are honest with you. Friends also help you grow as a person. They give you advice and new experiences, which helps you mature into a different version of you.They also don’t leave you all alone. Being too lonely can make you depressed and true friends don’t want that. Friends will always be there for you no matter what, even if the world is ending or if you are stuck in space. When I’m 84, I hope that the friends I have now will be still in my life and that we will be sitting on my porch, crocheting and eating muffins and talking about how hard life was back then to the neighborhood kids. I hope that I DON’T end up as a crazy cat lady with rollers in her hair who looks so scary that whenever she walks across the street, kids scream and parents tell their kids to go inside, close the blinds and be quiet. This is why my friends are the best gift I have ever received.
    P.S. Have a Happy New Year everyone!

  16. It’s almost New Year’s and people are so excited waiting for the next year with their resolutions and parties. Some people take it as a chance to just start over. I’m not going to take sides, but I think that it’s best to think of all the accomplishments made in the year. Then, I would think about the people behind the accomplishments. When you ask me about the best gift I’ve received all year, this is exactly what I’m going to tell you. All the people behind the achievements I made all year. Who are these people; I’d say my teachers, and family. They are the most special thing I received. I have and will enjoy every moment with them and I always will. On all occasions, they hope for the best for me. They never want me to get stuck in a problem, or regret anything bad. When it comes to my family, I assure you that every one of them do something for me. Firstly, my family always supports me when I’m down. They never ever discourage me for something I didn’t get or achieve. Next, they always make me feel good and proud of myself. They try to make me feel positive and successful. My brother, who I’m pointing out at this point, isn’t the most kind and nicest gift I’ve ever, ever received. Of course, he is special in his own ways. When you read a book, what kind of book is it if it doesn’t have a problem? Well, my brother isn’t exactly the problem, but he’s that cause for it. Moving on to teachers. Teachers are probably the most important people in my life. Contrary to my belief, I’m no whiz kid. My teachers always help me achieve my goals in m education by enabling me to discover and learn different things. That’s how you ask questions and improve your knowledge about something, right? My next reason is that my teachers always help me out. They don’t get annoyed and agitated when I ask them something. For that one, I also give some credit to my family, because all of these people help me out, whether it’s an issue with my friend, or just a bad grade on something I didn’t get in school. Apart from school teachers, my teachers outside of school do a great job helping me too. My Karate teacher isn’t just all about self defense, and protecting myself with physical contact. He always gives me highly inspirational speeches that also come in handy when I’m down in the dumps. My dance teacher makes me smile, and helps me have physical happiness. She is always talking about Stamina, energy and fun coming in altogether to form a smile on our faces. The only people I did not mention so far are my friends. They are also an important part of my life. They can be real stupid sometimes, but at the end of the day, we are all together forever. The final thing I’m going to say: The most special thing I received is my family, friends, and teachers.
    BTW: Happy New Year Everyone!!!

  17. Jiselle D’souza Iselin Middle School 6th grade.
    Title: Family and Friends
    The best gift I got this year wasn’t a video game, it’ was not a laptop, and it wasn’t an xbox, it was something better than those that we either have or need, something small yet very important. This year I got the comfort of my friends and family and the joy they bring to me.
    You are probably thinking at this moment “ Well you see your friends at school right?” WRONG! Most of my friends are not in my classes and many have moved to other places so my parents let me have a Christmas party for some of them and I to have fun and enjoy the holidays.
    I have made this gathering a small kind of tradition of my own because ever since 4th grade in elementary school I would have these Christmas parties to celebrate the joy and happiness of Christmas, friendship, and all things good and because we can’t celebrate my birthday most years.I personally enjoy doing this and seeing my friends together, happy, and smiling is something that really warms a heart. This “tradition” is very important to me because the best gifts I could possibly ask for are my friends.
    My family and I would bake cookies and all sorts of other things to get ready for the party which I also love doing. My father would help cook the turkey and my mother would bake cakes, cookies, pies, and other thing. I would help decorate the delicious baked goods. This not only is a way to help welcome in my friends but it is a family time with my parents which lets me spend more time with them and take a break from our usual busy lives that we spend apart from each other.
    During the party we played games, ate, told stories, and even played just dance on my wii. We played many team games because together we are stronger, smarter, and happier. Story telling was a great way for friends and acquaintances to connect to one another and learn about each other through their past experiences so we decide to do that too. We told so many hilarious stories that they made some of us fall on the floor laughing. Everyone was joyful and didn’t want to leave but soon the time came where we had to say farewell and leave.
    I am sure that many may disagree and say that Christmas is all about presents and toys and things you can get from others but that is not how I see it. Other than my religious beliefs Christmas is about kindness, happiness, and time to spend with family and friends. Although I did get many material objects like toys, clothes, and other cool presents, without a doubt I know that my friends and family were the best gifts I could ask for this holiday season.
    By: Jiselle D’souza 6th grade Iselin Middle School

  18. Thanks for sharing all of your ideas!

  19. To pick one gift from all gifts I have received so far is really tough. After lot of consideration and re-looking at many of my gifts, my greatest gift is a big photo frame I received to put-up in my room. Every time I walk into my room, I see this very cute family picture which reminds me of so many things. No doubts, it is the most thoughtful, memorable and best gift I have ever received. It has my family in it and they are the people I love the most. If you really think, I would be nothing without them. I am lucky to have a family who cares so much about me. They give me everything I want, wish for or ask them for. We are always running around doing things that are the best for the family and all of us think about each other all the time. Each one of us tries to take time out of their schedule to help the other. I would say that the best moments of my life are always with my family - my parents and my sister. They are always there to support and help me get through everything. Now that I am in middle school, all our subjects have become harder. The amount of homework we complete is a lot more than elementary school. Every evening, my dad and sister help me with homework, if I need help. There are a lot of special things in my family, but most of all, we have fun together, and laugh together. We work together and don’t let each other down. Whenever we go out as a family to eat or watch a movie we have lots of fun. Also, every time my sister comes home from college, we make it a point to spend time together as a family. Generally on Sunday evenings, we all sit down and talk about the upcoming week. It also helps my parents to catch-up, relax and get ready for a new crazy week. Over the years I have got many gifts that I love - iPad, phone, laptop, games, clothes, my own room, and the list can go-on. But once you think about it you realize that the only reason you received all these are because of your family. They not only got all these, they always strive for me to have a great education. When I get older this will help me get into my dream college and be a successful person to lead a good, healthy, successful life. I will always love spending time with my family. They are very unique, kind, caring, and so much more. I am very thankful to have them. They would do anything for me and I would do anything for them. Even though we sometimes have differences, we know we love each other. I could never receive a better gift then this! Everything they do is very thoughtful and without them I would be a completely different person. Someday, I hope to make it all up to them!
